مصباح طاولة زجاج فينيني 7.8 بوصة - 9.4 بوصة


$155.00 $235.00

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يستحضر سحر مصباح الطاولة المخطط على شكل الفطر نعومة اللون الكريمي في تصميمه. تحفة فنية من زجاج Venini، وهي الرفيق المثالي بجانب السرير، وهي متوفرة باللون الوردي والأصفر والأبيض. يضفي توهجه اللطيف ونمطه المخطط الخالد لمسة من الأناقة والدفء إلى أي غرفة نوم، ويمتزج بسلاسة مع الديكورات المختلفة مع توفير لمسة من اللمعان المريح.

حجم المنتج

الحجم: القطر 20 سم × الارتفاع 24 سم / ∅ 7.8 بوصة × الارتفاع 9.4 بوصة


  • الجسم الزجاجي.
  • معدن و زجاج.
  • اللون: أبيض، أصفر، وردي.
  • تصميم LED متكامل؛ متوسط ​​العمر 50.000 ساعة.
  • تم دمج مصابيح LED بالكامل في الوحدة ولا يمكن استبدالها.
  • ضوء متغير بثلاثة ألوان.
  • ETL، UL وCE، CCC، SAA مدرجة
  • المس المفتاح.
  • مناسب للاستخدام الداخلي/الخارجي.
  • منفذ USB مدمج في القاعدة.



    Why We Love It

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 12 reviews
    lisa robbins

    Packed up really well. I love mushrooms and this little guy is so stinking cute and actually much bigger than I had imagined. Itll go on my desk once I get that all organized. Beautiful color. Made really well, and super cute!

    Rachel Arnone

    This mushroom light is too cute! It will certainly bring some interest into any room you use it in. Its a beautiful pink color when off and when a muted pink. It is very bright, perfect for a bedside lamp or small reading lamp. It feels and sounds like glass so I would advise being careful not to bang it on something or hit it. It may break. I love it. This will look great on my table.

    Monica E Allen

    Very cute mushroom lamp with three different light settings. The switch only has one button, and since there isnt any instructions, I had to figure out how to cycle through the different light settings. Just keep switching the button to off and on and it will change the color hue. This lamp is a lot bigger than what I thought it was!


    I love this lamp!!! I've kept it on ever since I got it and it illumates my room just the way I want it! it came in great shape!


    My wife just received this pink Mushroom Bedside Table Lamp today, and she loves it. It has an Art Deco look that she says is really "cool:. It fits right in with other things that she has on display and one gets immersed in the assortment of artsy decor in our house. She is very pleased with the look of this lamp.