تالا لطيف الثريا


$365.00 $405.00

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حوّل غرفة طفلك إلى ملاذ من الدفء والراحة مع ثريا تالا كيوت، وحدة الإضاءة المثالية لغرف النوم ذات طابع الأميرة. تضيف هذه الثريا الساحرة، المصممة بمزيج مبهج من الأناقة الكريمية والحب الصادق، لمسة سحرية إضافية إلى مساحة معيشة طفلك. بفضل سحرها الغريب وتفاصيلها المعقدة، لا تضيء ثريا تالا اللطيفة الغرفة فحسب، بل تصبح أيضًا قطعة مركزية آسرة، مما يجعل كل يوم يبدو وكأنه مغامرة خيالية لطفلك.

حجم المنتج

4 رؤوس الحجم: القطر 45 سم × الارتفاع 60 سم / ∅ 17.7 × الارتفاع 23.6

6 حجم الرؤوس: القطر 45 سم × الارتفاع 60 سم / ∅ 17.7 بوصة × الارتفاع 23.6 بوصة


  • ظل أكريليك باللون الأبيض.
  • معدنوأكريليك، راتنج.
  • اللون: كروم، وردي، أبيض، أخضر.
  • مثبت.
  • 19.7 بوصة ارتفاع التعليق قضيب التعليق.
  • ETL، UL وCE، CCC، SAA مدرجة
  • تصميم LED متكامل؛ متوسط ​​العمر 50.000 ساعة.
  • تم دمج مصابيح LED بالكامل في الوحدة ولا يمكن استبدالها.
  • ضوء متغير بثلاثة ألوان.
  • مناسب للاستخدام الداخلي.



    Why We Love It

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews

    The lamps from this store have a sense of design. I am very satisfied with the goods. The quality is very good. The lamps are quite heavy and have a texture. The paint surface is particularly smooth and colorful. The customer service is also very patient and professional, which is great!


    The lamp is installed. The light is very gentle, very bright and not dazzling at all. It is also very suitable to be placed in the child's room. It can be used for lighting when doing homework and reading. The key is that the lamp is also very beautiful. The children at home like it very much. , it would be more perfect if the price were more beautiful.


    The small chandelier is just right in size next to the bedside. The lace of the pleated skirt is particularly designed. Its really cozy to put it next to the bedside and turn on the light at night. I like it.


    After choosing lamps for months, I finally chose this love chandelier from this store. When I received the goods, I felt that the color was very good and beautiful. The quality of the lamp was also good. It felt great in my hand. It was not as bad as I imagined. Light and airy.


    The design of the lamp is very beautiful, the brightness is sufficient, and the texture and workmanship are very good. However, the interior decoration is not very good, and the effect of this lamp cannot be shown in photos. The real thing is really beautiful, and I am very satisfied.

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