Lámpara de Pie Osaka 15.7″- 59.4″


$930.00 $1,110.00

 Más opciones de pago

La lámpara de pie Osaka es una adición elegante y resistente a su hogar, elaborada con madera de alta calidad en un tono de luz natural para un diseño moderno y atemporal. Su estructura robusta lo hace versátil para el uso diario y su durabilidad resistirá la prueba del tiempo.

Tamaño del producto

Tamaño: Diámetro 40 cm x Alto 151 cm / ∅ 15,7 ″ x Alto 59,4 ″


  • Cuerpo de madera maciza .
  • madera y Tela.
  • Color : Blanco, Color Madera, Nogal.
  • Enchufe con casquillo E26 o E27.
  • Tiene capacidad para una bombilla incandescente de 40 W o su equivalente LED.
  • Listado UL y CE, CCC, SAA.
  • Interruptor de pie.
  • Hecho a mano.
  • 98,4 pulgadas con cables de interruptores de enchufe.


Parámetro Instalación

Por qué nos encanta

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Aisling Cleary

I wasn't expecting this floor lamp to be of a good quality or have such a heavy base but was pleasantly surprised. It's easy to assemble, the base is heavy so no fear of a dog or cat knocking it over and it is bright.

Tamara Jones

Ok, whoever made this had their customer in mind - assembly made easy, everything thought through for you, which I appreciate. The wood looks solid, too.


Looks great, easy to put together, and great price. I cannot speak to longevity as I have only used it for a few hours so far, but at the moment I am loving it and planning to purchase a 2nd. Will update if anything changes.

Becky Willis

I absolutely love this lamp. It makes a cute and stylish decoration and provides soft lighting to our living room. It was very easy to install and the decor matches my living room.

Javier Quiros

I love the style of it. But I will say that I thought it'd be a bit brighter in the room i think the lamp cover part blocks a lot of the light which dims it a bit.

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