Araña Pallina


$1,156.00 $1,276.00

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La lámpara Pallina añade un toque de belleza elegante a cualquier habitación. Su diseño suave y orgánico está inspirado en las fibras naturales de algodón, irradiando tranquilidad y equilibrio para crear una atmósfera relajante. Disfrute de momentos de tranquilidad con la lámpara Pallina.

Tamaño del producto

Tamaño: Diámetro 63,5 cm x Alto 81,5 cm / ∅ 25 ″ x Alto 32 ″


  • Pantalla de cristal en acabado Blanco .
  • Metal y Vidrio.
  • Color: Negro, Blanco.
  • Cableado.
  • Barra para colgar de 19,7 ″ de altura para colgar.
  • Listado ETL, UL y CE, CCC, SAA
  • Diseño LED integrado; Vida útil media de 50.000 horas.
  • Las luces LED están completamente integradas en el dispositivo y no se pueden reemplazar.
  • Temperatura de color blanco cálido 3000K. /Luz blanca brillante (6000K)
  • Clasificación IP 20: no resistente al agua.
  • Apto para uso en interiores.


Parámetro Instalación

Por qué nos encanta

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Joy stewart

When I received it, I felt it was very exquisite. It was tightly packaged and the shape was round like a lily of the valley flower, like a ball of cotton hanging in the sky. It was super beautiful. Very beautiful, just take two pictures and it will look great~

Jessicca Jeffreys

I like the cotton shape of this lampshade very much. The glass is very delicate. It can be used in the living room. The brightness is suitable. It is very beautiful. I recommend buying it.


The lamps can be said to be very beautiful, simple and elegant, the light source is sufficient for use at night, and the black and white combination is also very good.


A lamp with French romance, the white light looks as cute as clouds. Not dazzling, soft, simple and fashionable. The shape of the lampshade is so deeply rooted in my heart. I fell in love with it at first sight. It feels so exquisite when I received it. I like it.

Rex A. Dwyer

It's really super beautiful. It looks really good. The more I look at it, the more I like it. It's like clouds. It's so beautiful. It matches the furniture at home very well. It looks very classy when installed. The installer is very good.

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