Lámpara de Pie Retro Toia 9.8″- 63″


$587.00 $627.00

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Esta lámpara de pie retro Toia presenta una llamativa pantalla negra, elegantemente colocada sobre un caprichoso soporte de líneas dibujadas que desafía las expectativas con su elegante geometría. Anclada sobre una base de madera maciza, esta pieza es un tema de conversación que añade un toque artístico a cualquier habitación. Su forma esbelta y su postura divertida la convierten en la opción perfecta para interiores contemporáneos que buscan una lámpara con carácter. Ya sea para iluminar un acogedor rincón de lectura o para agregar luz ambiental en una elegante sala de estar, esta lámpara está diseñada para impresionar e inspirar.

Tamaño del producto

Tamaño: Diámetro 25 cm x Alto 160 cm / ∅ 9,8 ″ x Alto 63


  • Metal cuerpo.
  • Metal y Madera .
  • Color : Negro, Nogal.
  • Enchufe con casquillo E26 o E27.
  • Tiene capacidad para una bombilla incandescente de 40 W o su equivalente LED.
  • Listado UL y CE, CCC, SAA
  • Interruptor de palanca.
  • 98,4 pulgadas con cables de interruptores de enchufe.


Parámetro Instalación

Por qué nos encanta

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Lova Mack
Highly recommend

There is nothing about this lamp, not to like.
I bought 3 lamps, and they came today. They are so easy to set up & the directions are very clear & simple.
I've never seen a lamp shade quite like this one. It's unique, and I love it.
It's all great quality. I really like the heftiness it has. This lamp won't tip over very easily either.

John M.

I love this lamp. It was simple to put together and I love the push peddle switch.

Kush P.
Great Office Lamp

This lamp fit perfectly in the small corner of my room. Highly recommend for those looking for something with short ceilings! Feels sturdy and very cute. Highly recommend for the price!

Rick Price

I wish it had more settings but otherwise its extremely well made for the price and is a super high quality floor lamp. its the perfect size for my bedroom and would also look perfect in my living room, i recommend

Easy assembly

The lamp is perfect for my home office!!!! It fits perfectly behind my love seat. Also, it provides just the right amount of lighting when recording!

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