Lámpara colgante estrella de madera 14,1″- 13,3″


$269.00 $349.00

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Esta lámpara colgante Wood Star es la solución de iluminación perfecta para crear el ambiente en cualquier espacio. Con su cálido y acogedor marco de madera en forma de estrella, crea un ambiente luminoso que seguramente sorprenderá a sus invitados. Al iluminar la habitación con su resplandor estrellado, la lámpara crea la atmósfera perfecta para una noche de relajación o una fiesta divertida.

Tamaño del producto

Tamaño : Diámetro 36 cm x Alto 34 cm / ∅ 14,1 ″ x Alto 13,3 ″


  • Cuerpo de madera
  • Metal y Madera.
  • Color: Color madera, nogal.
  • Cableado.
  • Casquillo E26 o E27.
  • Tiene capacidad para una bombilla incandescente de 40 W o su equivalente LED.
  • Compatible con reguladores de intensidad (no incluidos).
  • Voltaje CA 110-240 V.
  • Listado ETL, UL y CE, CCC, SAA
  • Clasificación IP 20: no resistente al agua.
  • Cable: De forma predeterminada, ofrecemos una longitud de cable de 59 pulgadas (150 cm), que se puede ajustar fácilmente a la altura deseada.
  • Instalar: Compatible con techo inclinado (techo inclinado adaptable <30°)


Parámetro Instalación

Por qué nos encanta

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

The items are very good. Highly recommended. I have bought several of them. My wife is very satisfied with this one. The quality is also very good.


It looks great when hung, the wood is very special, the shape is also very unique, the size is also very suitable, and the style is also very unique

David Young

After installation, it is very beautiful and complements my cabin. Especially the wood color is very harmonious with my ceiling. The effect is very good during the day and night. I bought it right and it matches the style of my home. Matches the look perfectly.

Zoey Zoe

It's so beautiful to my heart. I just like the wood and retro feel. The only thing is that we cut the wires short when we installed it ourselves, and the splicing on top doesn't look good.


A beautiful wooden star lamp. It looks great when installed. The price is also cheap. It has three color temperatures and looks great paired with retro furniture! The quality is much better than what I bought from other stores before.

SpanishSpanish -  US dollar ($)